The Golden Podcast
Interviews With World Class TCM Community Leaders
Discovering the stories, habits, psychology, & secrets that led to their success
Michelle is back to talk Instagram for acupuncturists! If you like this platform personally, then it is a great idea to use it to promote your practice/clinic, and if you plan on doing so, then Michelle has some great advice on how to do it! If you want more information regarding her courses and coaching visit her website here.
Spence Pentland
I love spending time with Peter - he is super smart, driven, kicking ass in his practice, and most importantly is a lot of fun! He is an absolute wealth of knowledge when it come to business sales and marketing. This is a very valuable episode and definitely one you do not want to miss. You will see what I mean - Listen now!
Spence Pentland
As a practitioner that has specialized exclusively in the treatment of fertility and reproductive health conditions since 2004, I am excited about the Tung Fertility Points [click here to check it out] that Brad presented and will definitely be utilizing some of them in my practice moving forward. I appreciated how he expressed that this is not an alternative to my usual ‘TCM’ points, but additions that should be experimented with to see which work for me and my patients. I think it is a must for anyone focusing on the treatment of fertility to expand their knowledge, at least on a basic level, into what Master Tung has to offer our patients, and Brad lays it out quickly and simply. The accompanying PDF by itself is worth the price you pay for this course. And most of all, thank you Brad, for gifting me with the very best point on the body to reduce stress, improve sleep, and relieve pain!
Spence Pentland
I really felt like Dominic and I are on many similar pages when it comes to practice and business growth. His prime directive of addressing personal psychology first resonated with me, and his focus on setting a good foundation for each day with a solid morning routine was music to my ears! Dominic has created 2 successful clinics and is ready to share his wisdom. Click here to get the FREE '5 Level PDF' from Dr Dominic
Spence Pentland
What Yaron teaches during this podcast speaks right to my heart personally, as he embodies the way I approach my clinical practice – Heart led, focused on contribution. He has been practicing for almost 25 years now and has some key messages for how he feels our medicine should be moving forward. Thank you so much Yaron.
Spence Pentland
Katie is optimistic, always smiling, and has lots of practical knowledge to help you grow and run your practice. I really love her energy and passion for helping other acupuncturists manifest the practice they desire - in her words; 'It doesn't have to be so hard'. Great words for those currently struggling and feeling overwhelmed by the business side of things. She has created AcuProsper which is such a great resource, and she has generously shared much of her pearls of wisdom here, in this podcast.
Spence Pentland
I LOVED this interview. Jimmy is straight and to the point, a data driven point to be exact! He doesn’t sugar-coat the fact that he feels everything regarding your practice (business and clinical) should be measured, as if it can’t be measured, it can’t grow. Yup, to Jimmy it is that simple. This is a great podcast that I KNOW will benefit many from a very practical standpoint.
Spence Pentland
This is a great in depth interview with Sandro Graca. This guy is super relatable and likeable, driven and successful, authentic and real (oh and I can’t forget to mention FUN!). He is so willing to share his experiences, thoughts, ideas, and feelings about his career in TCM and acupuncture, and give any pearls he can so those listening can learn. His overarching message is “…just dive in and start doing what needs to get done, be ok with making mistakes – but make sure you learn from them, and then keep doing what needs to get done. It takes 20 years to become an overnight success!” This is well worth the listen, and you surely will want to get to know Sandro after watching.
Spence Pentland
If you are currently running facebook ads or are considering to do so, this podcast is great. If you are ready to take the plunge or to dive more deeply and make your facebook ads perform better, then take her course. The money you will save on doing your Facebook ads correctly will save you the price of the course in a matter of weeks. Click here to get the Facebook Ad Quick Reference Guide & the discount code for Michelle's course
Spence Pentland
I am just beyond words that Bob Flaws (Lama Pema) has accepted an invitation to be on the Golden Podcast! This is truly a special episode as I know he has long since retired from TCM to more deeply pursuit and continue his Buddhist practice. Thank you Lama! We all know Bob Flaws for his unbelievable contributions to TCM as a whole in the West – his translations, his books, his lecturing, Blue Poppy, etc etc. I know I speak for us all when I say thank you so much Bob, we really appreciate everything you have done, and are elated to hear you, once again, share your pearls of wisdom so that we may all benefit from your pioneering. Take great care Lama Pema.
Spence Pentland
For those of you that know Mike Berkley, you know how lucky you are to have met him or call him a friend. We all should be proud to call him a colleague. This guy does Acupuncture New York style, and has been doing it now for a long time, with razor focus on the treatment of infertility. Lots of stories, lots of pearls, and lots of honesty in this interview. As always Mike, I love you and am so happy you accepted the invite to be on the show. Enjoy everyone!
Spence Pentland
I really enjoyed my time with Angela on this interview. She has a great energy about her, calm and smooth, confident and humble. She has been in this acupuncture industry for a long time and has seen so much change – and she has managed to thrive through it all. She is a successful acupuncturist and business woman all wrapped into one package – perfect for us all to learn from, and why she is here to share her story, thoughts, experience and secrets to her success!
Spence Pentland
I love speaking with Caroline. Her passion and the teacher inside her is always on auto-overdrive! She is so so giving and truly from the bottom of her heart just wants to help acupuncturists succeed and help more and more people. She has tried and true methods to help you build your practice, and makes an offer during this podcast that you don't want to miss out on! It will be well worth your time to tune in.
Spence Pentland
This interview is actually my first official meeting with Brad – so its content is basically “getting to know Brad”, and he delivers an authentic high energy no bull shit interview that shows the world who Brad is. He is a mentor to many and should be a mentor to many more – this interview will show you why I feel this way!
Spence Pentland
It is such a pleasure to spend time with Michelle. She is so nice and genuine, and it is so clear how much she simply wants to help her fellow acupuncturists succeed. She is to the point about sharing tips and tricks about marketing your practice, especially if it isn’t something you like to do, or are uncomfortable doing. The way she frames ‘getting the word out’ will make even the most ‘anti-sales’ folk consider how important it is to tell the world about you and your wonderful gift you have to share! She also has so many free things to share, and recommends a few valuable resources as well.
Spence Pentland
Let me tell you a little about this lady – she is a force, a freight train moving forward toward her vision, and she is kicking major ass! She is inspirational in the arena of ‘getting shit done’, and pulling her weight in moving TCM into the future. At the end of this interview you will be asking yourself ‘How can I leave my mark on the TCM industry, and help more patients in the process?’. The products she has created may even end up being a revolutionary change in your own practice. This podcast is a must not miss.
Spence Pentland
If you don't know Clara then get ready for high energy! I know this wonderful lady from way back when we competed for top grades in our TCM classes! She is a force of nature and has many pearls of wisdom to share when it comes to practice growth. After 1 hour and 20 minutes we had to stop, but I guarantee she will be back as there was so much more that she is passionate about sharing! Be sure to check out her website
Spence Pentland
This is a great interview with an amazing guy! I love Jason - his character is just nice to be around, and his knowledge is something to be sought after. He has much experience and wisdom to share with his fellow acupuncturists, and he does it so openly and genuinely. An experienced acupuncturist and business coach, Jason delivers pearls of wisdom to help anyone move forward in both life and practice. I am so grateful for his contribution to the Golden Cabinet! Please take the time to check him and his services out at
Spence Pentland
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