The Importance Of Personal Psychology, & Dominic’s 5 Phase Diagnostic For Your Acupuncture Practice

Interview with Dr Dominic Stape

I really felt like Dominic and I are on many similar pages when it comes to practice and business growth. His prime directive of addressing personal psychology first resonated with me, and his focus on setting a good foundation for each day with a solid morning routine was music to my ears!  Dominic has created 2 successful clinics and is ready to share his wisdom. Watch / Listen now to get access to a free 5 level practice analysis of your practice.  ~ Spence


Brad Whisnant Seminars

Professional Profile
-Board certified Doctor of Oriental Medicine in the state of New Mexico. 2001
-BS in biology and chemistry 1996
-Biomedical research scientist. Researching allergies, cancer, anti anxiety drugs. 1994-96, 2001-04
-cytogenetic technology. 1997

Professional Achievements
-In practice since 2001
-grew to 200 patients/week.
-invested in real estate to diversify
-manage a staff of 5
-opened a second clinic , physical medicine.
Didn’t feel as connected with patients and put more focus on TCM clinic.
-hire associate Drs to do the acupuncture.
-stable clinic. I can be as busy as I want to be.
-trained in Copenhagen in Acunova
-volunteer in Vietnam for Brad Whisnant Seminars.

Professional Experience
-UNM school of medicine.
-Genzyme genetics

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