The Golden Program
The Timeless Business Principles Included In The 11 Step Golden Program Provide Systems & Innovations To Consistently Grow Your Practice Into A Properly Run Business That Will Mature Into A Profitable Company
Are you wanting to help more people, but struggle with the business side of your practice? Unfortunately, this is a stumbling block for many acupuncturists. This isn’t your fault. The TCM education system is severely lacking when it comes to properly preparing students for the real world.
As we all know, with the human body, one cannot have whole health without taking care of all systems simultaneously. The same principle, or natural law, is true about your practice, and I am here to ensure you, that it IS possible to run a practice and operate it like a proper business, with integrity, staying true to your core values as a healer.
I am excited to have the opportunity to offer this wisdom and support so that you too can have the life and practice you deserve! The world needs more acupuncturists like you, to share their gift with as many people as possible.
The lessons within are the pearls of wisdom that have helped me manifest the fulfilled life I enjoy each day.Don’t worry, none of this stuff is difficult. This is all stuff you can figure out on your own, BUT if you commit to the principles that I have outlined in the Golden Program you will get to your goals more quickly. It's that simple.
In other words,The Golden Program is ‘A SHORT CUT’.
Work at your own pace through the unabridged audio and text lessons within each course, then complete each associated worksheet to manifest your plan and establish clear action items to set you up for success.
The life and practice you dream of awaits!
Imagine a future where you have achieved the personal, professional, and financial freedom that you desire.
“I have invested 2x the amount of money on personal development and business knowledge than I spent on medical school. This has allowed me to create financial abundance and personal freedom, and help thousands achieve their health and wellness goals.”
AS OF 2021, Our growing YinTeam (13 in total – including 7 acupuncture associates, 3 naturopathic doctors, a general manager, a creative director, 3 administrative assistants, a COO co-founder, and me – the founder, visionary & CEO) are all delighted to be part of a prosperous company that is delivering on its vision of helping hundreds of thousands of people worldwide fulfill their dreams of getting pregnant, having a baby, and creating a happy healthy family. Our obsession with impacting the world and raising the bar in regards to clinical results and client experience puts our current revenue projections well into seven figures. For our peers, we strive to be an example. The Reproductive Wellness and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) industries need examples of companies and leadership such as Yinstill so that the marketplace which surrounds these fields expands and solidifies its place in the world. My hope is that this will provide a more solid long-term financial forecast for the industry so that the growth and benefits are experienced by both practitioners and patients. If you are interested in learning more about Yinstill Reproductive Wellness, becoming part of the ‘YinTeam’, or exploring ways that we can work together, please contact me anytime.
The Golden Program is a simple step-by-step system that will help you;
Fnd clarity and direction for your life and your practice
Learn how to overcome hurdles that may be holding you back
Understand your potential clients more intimately so you can speak directly to them
Implement systems for how to create partnerships in your clinic and community to support long term practice growth & scalability
Understand the importance of razor focus on client experience and exactly how to deliver a kick ass service
Complete some basic financial planning to give you a plan and the confidence that you can create the life and practice of your dreams!
It is vital to learn from someone that you trust to get you the results you need, someone who is living the life you desire. A mentor to show you what is possible and a coach to guide you along the way. I started my TCM education in 1999 and since 2004 have delivered specialized care for those experiencing reproductive health concerns. Having personally administered 25,000+ treatments and over a quarter million needles, coupled with my obsession for learning how to own and operate practices and clinical businesses with integrity, has given me the confidence to share my experience with you. I am not just out there learning marketing techniques and reframing them for the TCM community, anyone can do that. The information I share is truly ‘from the trenches’ – the personal trials and triumphs I have been through and that has led me and my team to the success that we are deeply proud of, both clinically and financially.FOR MORE ABOUT ME PLEASE VISIT THE ABOUT PAGE, AS I HAVE TAKEN THE TIME TO SHARE MY STORY IN GREAT DETAIL, SO THAT YOU UNDERSTAND WHO YOU ARE LEARNING FROM - WHERE I CAME FROM, AND WHAT MY JOURNEY TO SUCCESS LOOKED LIKE.
Golden Praise from Golden Peeps!
Thanks for helping me get clearer re: the evolution of my practice. I really appreciate your program, and am grateful for all the time and thought you’ve put into your work and your willingness to share your experience and insights.
I am so excited about this key information you’re offering! Thank you and THANK YOU for your beautiful, unique gift through this program! So critical and foundational…you’ve put a LOT of work into this!!! IMPRESSIVE! SO EXCITED at how you will help our industry in the upcoming years!!!
Your course is so helpful in encouraging a positive mindset and providing the foundation I need to achieve my personal and professional goals. I am on the Goal setting blueprint right now, and am excited to start getting emails back from my loved ones listing my strengths and weaknesses. Thank you again for creating such a wonderful program—I really appreciate your gentle demeanour and the way you calmly yet confidently encourage participants to ambitiously pursue our goals and dreams while remaining true to what really matters in life.
Thank you for the invaluable and epic information! This is a treasure chest of insights, actionable ideas and real life/realistic ways to create a not just a rockin practice but a rockin life. You’re obviously at the top of your game and the success of your clinics is very encouraging and motivating. We need more kick ass people like you to keep this conscious health revolution alive. The personal growth tidbits tie everything in a way that we as practitioners understand that it all starts with us – a concept which is simultaneously terrifying and thrilling. Plus, you seem like a really cool dude and I’m brimming with gratitude as I express my thanks and appreciation for this gift.
Step-By-Step Course Outline

STEP 1: Discover Your Definition of Success
Get clear on what it means for you to feel fulfilled in 7 easy steps
The purpose of this course is for you to gain a deeper understanding of yourself, and learn that the right psychology can catapult your practice and business to new heights, creating a flow that happens when you are in the right mindset. Conversely, not tending to your personal mental landscape can have detrimental effects on the well-being of your practice, clinic, and business. Please understand that your psychology is without a doubt the key to your success – and that you must stand guard at the doorway of your mind.
Course Lessons

STEP 2: Goal Setting Blueprint
The 5 step formula and 6 skills required to create the plan that will accomplish your dreams
The purpose of this course is for you to gain a deeper understanding of yourself, compile the wisdom of others for your weekly review, and to set out a framework for goal setting that will help you be clear on what you need to be doing now to get where you want to be 20 years down the road. Not taking the time to find your strengths and set your goals leaves you floating around bumping into things, hoping that you are headed in the right direction even when you don’t really know what the right direction is, and finding yourself in strange places doing jobs and tasks that do not resonate with your inner vision. Please understand that without a doubt, goal setting is not simply a great idea, it is an essential process that anyone wanting to achieve in life must constantly be going through, refining, and updating.
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STEP 3: Money Mastery
How to quickly ensure your goals and relationship with money are aligned
The purpose of this course is for you to gain a deeper understanding of yourself, and that the right psychology concerning money can catapult your practice and business to new heights. Conversely, not tending your financial mental landscape can have detrimental effects on the well-being of your practice, clinic, and business. Please understand that without a doubt your psychology is key to your success – and that you may have to change your mindset regarding money for it all to manifest.
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STEP 4: The 5 Step Client Journey Roadmap
Attract new clients, deliver a valuable service, and maintain a lifetime relationship
The purpose of this course is for you to understand the roadmap that applies to your clients and to discover the touch points that are important so you can better understand how to allocate your marketing and operation efforts. What is a ‘client journey roadmap’? A client journey roadmap is a process of identifying the various touch points that you have with your clients, potential, current, and past. Once these are identified you can start to be systematic, mindful, and creative about creating effective lead generation, all the ways you can add value to their lives, improve their experience with you and your company, and develop a lifetime relationship that pays dividends over and over again in the years to come.
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STEP 5: 15 Simple Steps to Clarifying Your Message
Learn how to communicate exactly what your potential clients need to hear
The purpose of this course is to give you the 15 point recipe to follow when creating effective copy that sells the solution your potential clients are looking for – your service and skills! This recipe ensures you touch on all the elements that need to be clearly communicated so your potential client has all relevant information needed to both be informed and make decisions. The results will be amazing content that will convert curiosity to actual clients.
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STEP 6: How To Set Up Your Virtual Clinic
Important points to consider when creating relationships with other healthcare providers
The purpose of this course is to help you understand the need to build your virtual clinic, things to consider when doing so, and to provide a little help getting you started. Simply stated, your ‘virtual clinic’ is comprised of chosen healthcare professionals from other clinics that can help you achieve the desired results for your patient.
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STEP 7: The Win X 3 Recipe
How to find the right strategic alliances so everyone wins
The purpose of this course is to help you understand what a ‘strategic alliance’ is, why they are important, and to start mapping out how to build these relationships now. WIN x 3 is outlined in the first step, WIN WIN WIN. This concept is what helps guide all decision making in regards to Strategic Alliances. The question you must ask when considering pursuing a Strategic alliance relationship is simple; will the alliance benefit you, will it benefit the strategic alliance, and will it benefit the client? If the answer is YES YES YES, then you have a WIN WIN WIN (Win x 3) scenario and the relationship is approved for pursuit. Of course there are other common denominators that must be apparent such as sharing core values, but the most important element is finding the Win x 3 Recipe.
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STEP 8: Systems For Success
The 3 reasons why you must systematize your practice & business
The purpose of this course is for you to gain a deeper understanding of WHY you must systematize your practice clinic and business, and to stimulate your innovative mindset to produce systems that will positively impact the lives of everyone involved (SELF, CLIENT, TEAM). Anything you do to operate your business or practice that you foresee having to do more than once, should be documented in a precise and detailed manner so that it becomes an automated process, and can be replicated by anyone. The task ends up taking less and less of your (or your staff’s) time and mental capacity, and ensures it is done right, every time.
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STEP 9: Love Your Clients
The future of your practice depends on them
The purpose of this course is to really dig deep into why maintaining a client centric business is so important, and how to properly manage your client relationships to accomplish this. If you commit to loving your clients you’ll notice business growth immediately. I hope that at the end of this course that you too decide to infuse some small town customer service into your clinic. It really is the path to long term sustainable growth, especially in today’s competitive business landscape.
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STEP 10: How To Ask For Reviews & Testimonials
The future of your practice depends on them
The purpose of this course is to help encourage you to ask for testimonials from your clients, and to give you perspectives you may not have considered as to why this is so important. I understand some of the objections to asking clients for testimonials, and personally, I believe they are all rooted in either shyness or self-sabotage. To me it is all about how you ask. If you do it in such a way that is gentle and puts no pressure on the client, then it leaves room for them to simply not respond or happily say no. Also, many people want to share, as it gives them an opportunity that might be healing or may help others on their journey.
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STEP 11: There Are 3 Ways To Increase Revenue
Learn an easy-to-use system for creating clear financial goals
The purpose of this course is to help you understand the basic metrics on which you must focus to build your bottom line, consider your exit plan, and establish some basic financial goals for your practice. Just like any other part of your business, it is important to be mindful when setting your intentions regarding the financial well-being of your company. As you well know, the universe will provide you with what you need, you just need to be clear when speaking with her!
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The Golden Program is NOT for you if you are looking for simple social media hacks, marketing tools that promise immediate results, or any other ‘quick-fix’ that eliminates the need for hard work, constant learning, and perseverance. The lessons within The Golden Cabinet are real. If you choose to ignore these lessons, the absence of their wisdom will continue to take it’s toll on you, as it has up until this very moment. The lessons within The Golden Cabinet are fundamental to living your fulfilled life, the only one you have been given to live. These fundamentals are key to moving you past your current level of struggle and into a place that might make you uncomfortable, but nevertheless it is the place that you must venture in order to manifest the successful practice you dream of, help transform lives, obtain financial abundance, and enjoy the peace of mind that your freedom and happiness will bring!
Testimony & Call-To-Action from Brad Whisnant...
It is important for all of us to be successful. It benefits our medicine, it benefits our profession and most importantly it benefits all the people out there that Western medicine has either failed that could get tremendous help from acupuncture.
But I can only do so much, plus I’m not even that special. Which is why moving forward I’m partnering and working with smarter people than me to help raise the tide for all acupuncturist.
My good friend & neighbor to the North, Spence Pentland has just announced the VIP launch of his Practice Management Course “The Golden Program"
Understand this, I now have 2 Practice Management courses on my site, but I am here promoting Spence’s course because he did a damn great job with his and I 100% know that for those who resonate with Spence you will get a Lot out of it. I really wasn’t expecting to promote this for Spence, but when I looked at it and then went through it a bit and saw the quality and value that he had put into it there was no way I could not share this.
The core teachings and message for success are very similar. We are not reinventing the wheel.
There are a lot of acupuncturists out there now that are teaching success & coaching to other Acu’s, which is great. But my feeling is that a lot of them don’t have the experience and clinic/business success as a foundation for the credibility to teach other Acu’s how to be successful. But this is just my opinion, even a broken clock is right twice a day, right?
Spence Pentland is not only as passionate as me about making sure every acupuncturist out there can have a busy practice. But I like to learn from the top tier, the industry leaders who have been crushing it for a long time. And Spence 110% meets this criteria, like I’ve mentioned in past emails, Spence’s accomplishments definitely eclipse mine. And who would you rather take a seminar from, someone who graduated a few years ago or from a truly seasoned and successful Acu that has 10+ years under his or her belt? All else being equal experience is King in my book.
I’m not going to give you a hard sell on this. Yes! I WANT YOU TO BE SUCCESSFUL! But promise me this, if you are struggling, not making money, not seeing the number of people you want to see each week, Whatever it is. If you are not reaching the success marker that you want to be at Just click the link to Spence’s Golden Program and take look. Watch the video and read the outline, the description, read all of it.
Spence’s course is a step by step, building block, road map to “Your Success”. 99.9% of us graduate missing that vital practice management piece. If you don't have it you will be out there treading water and just hoping and praying that someone will come by and toss you a flotation device. That is not a Strategy that is Stupidity. Just go out and invest in swimming lessons before you decide to jump into the ocean.
~ Brad
I am excited that you want to take your practice to the next level and create a solid foundation to your long term success (both clinically and financially). It is time to turn your practice into a properly run business that will mature into a profitable company, and The Golden Program will help you do just that. If you have any questions, please use the contact link in the footer of the website. I would be happy to hear from you.Spence