The 5 step formula and 6 skills required to create the plan that will accomplish your dreams

The purpose of this course is for you to gain a deeper understanding of yourself, compile the wisdom of others for your weekly review, and to set out a framework for goal setting that will help you be clear on what you need to be doing now to get where you want to be 20 years down the road.
Not taking the time to find your strengths and set your goals leaves you floating around bumping into things, hoping that you are headed in the right direction even when you don’t really know what the right direction is, and finding yourself in strange places doing jobs and tasks that do not resonate with your inner vision. Please understand that without a doubt, goal setting is not simply a great idea, it is an essential process that anyone wanting to achieve in life must constantly be going through, refining, and updating.
If you commit to this course and take the time to go through each worksheet exercise you’ll soon begin to experience the business and personal fulfillment that you desire – all because you will be clear on your goals both short and long term. When you know what you want to be and where you want to be in 20 years it really puts the years between now and then into perspective. When I first actually sat down and thought long and hard about where I wanted to be in 20 years, the results were amazing. This single exercise is responsible for me really understanding that there is very little time to screw around, so now is the time to dig in my heels and step up to make things happen. The motivation really came from projecting myself into my life at ages like 60 or 70 and visualizing myself and my life if I don’t get my butt in gear NOW.